Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Leveling the Playing Field

By: Joe Winkles

Today was our 4th day in Uganda, and our 2nd day of technology training. We visited Humble United Methodist School today and were greeted by joyful children running up to the van with huge smiles, which is usual, and almost expected from the kids. But when we pulled up today, we were also greeted by joy-filled teachers and staff members. Their smiles, excitement and joy seemed to be almost at the same level as the kids. The teachers knew that today was the day we were coming to give them training on computers and the internet.

We provide this technology training to both the teachers and the kids, but today was a teacher training day only. A lot of the teachers had never used a computer before and were anxious to get started. They were filling the classroom ready to be taught before we had even finished setting up. This anticipation and eagerness to learn continued throughout the day. And it was not just from the teachers, but also from the kids. There were numerous times during the training today that the teachers would have to tell the kids to move out of the doorway. There was always a group there straining to see as much as they could without getting the attention of the teachers. And at any given moment, you could look up and see the windows filled with the heads of the older kids watching their teachers using the computers. You could just tell that they cannot wait for their turn to "play" on the computers. I too, am very excited to go back to Humble tomorrow and have the opportunity to be there with the kids for their first experience using a computer.

Earlier in this trip, we had gone through DREAMS plans with some kids, and Mike shared that when asking kids what they want to be when they grow up, the vast majority of the kids respond with doctor, lawyer, teacher, pilot or footballer. What my sincere hope is that in the future, when FoDU visits these campuses, they start getting some kids responding with dreams of becoming a computer engineer or programmer or game designer. Right now, those dreams would be completely foreign to the kids. But as they start using the computer, playing games, using educational apps, the natural inquisitiveness and creativity of the kids will naturally draw them to these topics. 

The beautiful thing about computers and the internet is it levels the playing field of the entire world. Anyone with access can learn about almost anything, and that is a truly powerful, and potentially life-changing resource.

The things that I will remember from today is the sparkle in the eyes, the smiles on the faces, the clapping of hands and raising of arms when they successfully completed a task. Each basic skill they learned filled them with joy and they responded in kind. With teachers like these, that are so excited to learn and share, so caring of the kids, I have no doubt that our efforts here today will benefit kids at Humble for years and years to come.

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