Today was July 29th, our 4th day in Uganda, and overall, a great day! As soon as we arrived, all the kids came out jumping and screaming. That made my day, within 1 minute of being there. The emotion of happiness and excitement stayed with me the rest of the day. I got to deliver school supplies to the head teacher, teach the teachers about computers, play soccer with the boys (and get the first goal during the game ;D ), and one very exciting thing, celebrate my 12th birthday!
I thought they brought all of us into the room with the Staff of Humble just to introduce ourselves, but all of a sudden, 100 kids walked into the room singing “Happy Birthday” to me! They sang and brought in a huge teddy bear cake. The kids counted down from 12, when it got to 1, some kids and I cut into the huge cake. The teacher cut the cake into really small pieces, and I got serve the cake to the kids! I was SO joyful to be spending my birthday in Uganda with 250 kids! I couldn’t have wished for a better birthday. I will cherish this moment with the kids for a VERY long time! It was unforgettable! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the trip holds!
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