The outpouring of love from the little people we get to serve is wonderfully overwhelming. I knew my heart would be touched this week but I didn’t realize just how much. The first school we visited was wonderful. I made little friends who will remain on my heart forever.
The school we visited yesterday afternoon and all day today proved to be a bigger challenge and such a greater reward. Upon our arrival this morning, I could see that they were a bit rougher around the edges, their clothes more tattered, and their demeanor more combative. Immediately I judged them. Soon after I passed judgement, God turned my judgements on their head.
The day did begin a bit rough, there was some miscommunication and unexpected circumstances that led to me being alone in a room of wild Middle Class and Top Class students (ages 4-6). God sent me an angel to help me coral them. Her name was Tina. This Primary Two (second grade) student who had seemingly come out of nowhere translated and helped me to corral and relocate the others.
Tina and I spent most of the rest of the day together. She is one of the smartest, most clever, articulate, sassy little people I have ever met. She was wise beyond her years. While sitting on the grass out in front of the building that holds the classrooms (after she saved my life) I noticed both her ankles covered in large scars. She noticed me noticing and immediately covered them. I immediately told her that she was a beautiful young woman and she had nothing to be ashamed of.
Later in the afternoon I ended up with TIna, her sister Doreen and some of their friends. We had an in-depth discussion regarding the English language and the pronunciation of different words. The amount of laughter I experienced was wonderful. There was SO MUCH personality in that little group of girls.
After the group dissipated Tina and I talked a bit more. I showed her the scars I have accumulated over the years and she ended up showing me hers. We did not discuss the circumstances behind our scars but we discussed the beauty they cause. By the end of the day she showcased her scars proudly.
Today I learned far more from Tina, Doreen and those other girls than I could have ever possibly teach them. I can’t fathom never seeing them again after this week. I have no idea what the future holds but I know I want to see them again, many times. I want to be able to see them grow into the beautiful young women I am sure they will become
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