By Amanda Calhoun
As a teacher, Fields of Dreams has truly captured my heart with their education component. We are so blessed in the United States for our students to grow up being exposed to so many different educational opportunities and experiences. They know that their opportunities for the future are endless and possible! What a blessing. Here in Uganda it is not the same for the children. While they know about a few common jobs- doctor, pilot, lawyer- they are not introduced to many of the options they are capable of reaching.

As I continued today to sit with a student and walk through his story, I started to see a light begin. Huzaifalah felt loved and listened to...someone was wanting to know his individual story. His heart was warmed and he was working hard to understand the questions of the DREAMS plan. Although this is the first year for the educational piece of Fields of Dreams, I can already see the sparks for the future. Just today after our meeting, Huzaifah ran out to tell his friends about his experience. They came to find me quickly to say "Auntie Amanda are you coming back tomorrow to meet with me?" They wanted to let me know what they were going to be when they grew up as well. They knew this experience was different from any other they have had before.
Today I was able to see their hopes and dreams begin to grow...they are beginning to understand that these ideas are not out of their reach. Fields of Dreams wants to be a part of their walk through education, supporting them in any way they need to reach these goals. I am honored to get to know these students individually, to learn their intimate family story, and be a small piece of their amazing journey. The fire has started and is going to spread quickly. Success for these students is on the horizon and I cannot wait to see their future plans become realities. Thank you to all who have supported me on my journey and supported Mike and Fields of Dreams. Through it, you are giving Ugandan children the chance to reach their potential and achieve their dreams.
Powerful words my friend. Can't wait to see the future impact. Love seeing the present impact in you.