By Ashley Brooks
The past two days of being with these children has been amazing . Their greetings, their smiles, their hugs are all so sincere and pure. I have enjoyed watching them play, sing, learn, and interact with our team. But today we got to watch these children play the sport they love, soccer! Now I will preface this by saying that I know nothing about soccer, this was actually a struggle I faced with coming on this trip. But today I love soccer because I love watching these beautiful children play with big smiles on their faces. This really made it real to me the mission of Fields of Dreams. These kids need lots of things, but that all fades away when the soccer balls come out. They are amazing to watch and so grateful for all the new equipment. I'm not sure I knew exactly what to expect. I expected love and expected children but didn't expect to establish relationships with these children in such a short time. I watched several of the children train today that I worked with on their dream plans and I felt like I was watching my own boys play. It is an amazing feeling of love you can have for children you just met that aren't your own!
I also just want to say that we have an amazing team here. I love watching each member interact with different children and the different gifts we each bring to the team. I found this verse last week during my devotion and it has been my prayer for our team and God has answered it for sure. It is Phillipians 2:1-2 ,"if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like minded having the same love, being one in Spirit and purpose." Our team has loved these children like Jesus loves each of us. We see no differences and love them for who they are. By doing this, we are giving them a hope, a future, and a dream.
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