After New Kabaale, we went to Africa Greater Life. I was looking forward to returning because I had really built up a great connection with some of those kids. We first went and observed a classroom. The teacher was teaching about the colonization and segregation of South Africa before Nelson Mandela's rule. It was definitely humbling.
After observing, I was able to find the group of kids that I fell in love with. These children had my heart in their hands as soon a
s I met them because they were more timid and shy than the other orphanages. There was something missing in these children's eyes and I felt it. My group of kids was quite a variety, but I loved it. There was 12 year old Allen who was bright and smart, 10 year old Godfrey who was inquisitive and sweet, 6 year old Ben who was timid and shy, and 5 year old Erin who was loving and quiet.
One of the highlights of my day was when Erin fell asleep in my arms. It felt good to know that she trusted me that much in just that short amount of time. I ended up doing my DREAM plan with Allen who already knew he was going to be a surgeon and he was quite unwavering about it. I respected that immensely.
My heart was extremely hurt when a young boy named Abdul approached me. It was random timing, but he immediately took a liking to me and not to shortly after, he told me his life story. Needless to say, it was very sad and it brought me close to tears. I felt great sorrow for him especially when he began to cry. I just hugged the little boy and I was able to comfort him in the only way I knew how.
When I had to leave, I was very sad. The kids faces were sad that I was leaving, but they were also happy because I was able to love on them for just that short amount of time I had with them. I love them dearly, and if I could've taken them with me, then I would have.
I am excited to see what the rest of the journey holds for me as I know that God is not done with His purpose quite yet.
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