It's Friday, and the days we spent in Gulu are still swirling around in my head. It is my second trip to Uganda, but my first visit to Gulu. I had seen all the photos from previous trips and knew that the children there had suffered greatly from the insurgency of Joseph Koney. The reality of the horrible war has left wounds and scars that have forever changed the faces of those left behind. I saw something beautiful in the faces of the children and staff at the 5 partner schools in Gulu that was not there in the photos. I saw little glimpses of HOPE that are rising, smiles that were not there previously, and some JOY in their singing and dancing. I was honored to be a tiny part of what FODU is doing through the amazing staff that gives to these children.

The Girl Empowerment workshops went well and the girls and school staff were excited to receive their hygiene kits. A huge burden is lifted when a father knows he does not have to provide sanitary products for a full year or when the young girls realize that they can stay in school and not have to be concerned about what product or substitute product she will need to FIND to protect her during menstruation.
The best part of my day came later when we returned to our quarters to find Hanifah and Rose waiting with their merchandise for Ekisa Design. These two beautiful creative women are responsible for most of the merchandise sold through Ekisa Design. It is special to reconnect with each of them. It was even cooler when one of our team shared with them that she wanted to sell some of their products through her non profit back in Indiana. God is so good at orchestrating our lives.
Please pray for renewed health for one of our team members who fell ill today.
God bless. . . . . Pat
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