This seemed to be the word of the day in many ways. It was certainly a joy for our team to spend another day learning from, teaching, and being in the presence of the amazing staff and children of New Kabaale Busega. This is my fourth year in a row spending time at this campus, and it seems as if the roots grow deeper upon every visit. I am extremely proud of all of our partner schools, but it has been so joyous to see the staff and children grasp and embrace what we are attempting to provide for them through our Fields of Dreams Uganda efforts.
We were greeted this morning by the entire school, as many were absent yesterday during the weekend. They all were in assembly, and it was such a joy to see all of their faces and think about all that is in store for their futures. We spent the day among the future nurses, bankers, football coaches, and mechanics of Uganda. We had an extremely busy day as we juggled numerous initiatives with the children. The nurses on our team did an exceptional job teaching both student and staff about life saving first aid and CPR knowledge. We had the joy and privilege to once again distribute another 60 hygiene kits to some of the girls that were absent yesterday. And once again their response was amazing. The hurdle that we are eliminating for these girls by providing these kits with have such lasting ripple effects as we attempt to even the playing field for these girls. Not only were the students excited about these kits, but the staff were also so grateful and joyous for this blessing in their own lives as well.
Jr. DREAMS plans were once again conducted, and it was so incredible to watch these kids take a hold of what their future could become. We have the honor of walking these children through these plans, as they begin to dream about their future, find self confidence in better understanding their gifts, abilities, interests and qualities that others see in them. And lastly they are learning how to set tangible goals for their lives which will have such an impact on their futures in countless ways.
The key to all of these trips is a humble spirit and flexibility, and I was so proud of the way that our team adapted to changes, and just served wherever they were needed. It also becomes abundantly clear on each of these trips that our Ugandan staff is doing incredible work. I am so proud of their efforts, and their work shows in the way that the New Kabaale Busega staff and children are responding to the challenges we are placing before them.
By far the highlight of my day came during our first few moments on campus. Rose, the incredible head teacher at New Kabaale, lead the children in the mantra that FoDU has adopted for our children to empower them, and as each grade shouted out these responses ending with their hands thrown in the air, it was apparent that what we are attempting to do is working!!!! Rose would say to the P7 students, “Why do we come to school,” P7 response, “To encourage and inspire others!” To the P6 students, “Why do we come to school,” P6 response, “Because I have a purpose on this earth!” To the P5 students, “Why do we come to school,” P5 response “To make the world a better place!” To the P4 students, “Why do we come to school,” P4 response, “To bring my dreams within reach!” To the P3 students, “Why do we come to school,” P3 response, “To be successful in life!” And finally Rose to all of the students, “Why do we come to school,” everyone’s response, “ Because I am a champion!”
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